Jan 13, 2009

Jan 13, 2009 meeting

Alberto's Cycles was kind enough to once again host a meeting. At the January 13 meeting cyclist reviewed maps and rated cycling routes in preparation to lend our perspective to Lake County's Complete Streets new policies and plans. Joe Weiss a GIS mapping software expert from Active Trans had prepared an area road map showing routes most commonly used for cycling. Joe created the map by directly importing about 100 routes previously captured by riders using GPS devices on their bikes (usually Garmin). The routes get recorded by the GPS as the riders are actually cycling the routes and then are often uploaded to sites like Motion Based and MapMyRide.

In preparation for the upcoming meeting with Lake County being held on January 26, riders, some with tens of thousands of miles on these roads, rated the road segments based on their perceived safety. Randy Neufeld from Active Trans had recommended we simply use a GREEN/YELLOW/RED rating, green being where we feel safe and red where not safe. Also at the meeting a group lead by Kim Stone worked on a City of Highland Park Complete Streets project.

7:00PM TUESDAY MARCH 13, 2009 at Alberto's Cycling